

Steven's Homepage

Hello, my name is Steven Newman i'm 16 years old I live in Halfweg and go to school in Haarlem my hobbies are: Computing, The Internet and playing Carmageddontm and Bloodtm. I also like a good laugh!

Bloodtm I think is the coolest 3D action doom clone! In my oppinion it has much better graphics than Quaketm it uses the same engine as Duke3Dtm but I still prefer Bloodtm to Duke3dtm. But more info on that in my Blood page!

Carmageddontm is the coolest racing game there is but seeing there are allready so many Carmegeddontm pages I will not make a page about it but Carmageddon.com is a good source for information about this totally cool game!

Computers are an important part of my life, I use it for alot of things: e-mail, Web desing, games school and alot more, as soon as I have the time I will add a Computer page!

The Internet is completely intergrated into my life! As you can see I write Web pages and I enjoy looking at other web pages. To me the internet is the fifth element in life (fire, water, wind, earth and the internet). I've devoted a page to HTML so you can also write homepages! One thing I do have to say is: If you want to write a Homepage do have something worthwhile other people also want to now! (i.e. don't make an homepage with something like: "Hello World my name is John Doe" if people wanted to now that they would go and read the phonebook!)

©Steven Newman 1998
page last revised Sunday, January 04, 1998

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